Christian spiritual direction & faith formation for individuals & groups
~ offered in person or online ~
Are you burned out?
Welcome to unhurried conversation where you can discover what has led to your over-full mind, heart & spirit. Flourish spiritual direction & faith-based mentoring sessions help individuals and groups to weave life-giving practices into everyday life.
Do you wonder where God is?
You are invited to process Christian faith questions, express doubts, name church hurt, or talk through whatever is keeping you from a full & integrated life. Flourish clients experience compassionate space where they are seen, heard & understood without judgment in their steady journey toward hope.
Spiritual Direction
Encounter a welcoming space for conversation & healing where you can notice and respond to God. Linda’s role is to listen compassionately and deeply, ask contemplative questions & point you toward the Holy Spirit’s work in your life.
Faith-Based Mentoring
You are invited to process your everyday life & faith through conversation & questions. Linda accompanies you through the ups & downs of your Christian faith journey with guidance & suggestions for holistic growth.
Workshops & Retreats
Grow your group’s understanding of God & His people through creative & energetic programming. Linda offers churches & organizations uniquely-designed workshops & retreats to meet their Christian spiritual formation goals.
Hi, I’m Linda
I’ve spent decades walking alongside others as they consider their life, faith, values & habits.
My approach stems from Christian faith, though I will honor whatever your story entails including doubts, church hurt & faith reconstruction.
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.…Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
~ Jesus’ invitation found in Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)
"Linda helps create a safe space for me to meet God and know Him. She has helped me break down walls that I didn't even know I had, know God in a new way that is in alignment with Who He really is, and anchor to that truth. The Spirit leads and we follow."
F.B., spiritual direction client
"Excellent group facilitation is a delicate art. It's a dynamic blend of expertise in a field, thoughtful communication, compelling presence, and emotional intelligence. I know precious few people who are able to create a space for groups with all the richness of these gifts as Linda."
Rev. Dr. JR Rozko, n.O-CL; Pastor for Calling & Community Development at Common Life Church; Director of Missional Innovation, Churches for the Sake of Others.